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Onogame The best time to see the Tobishima kanzo! (Sado City, Niigata Prefecture)



Early summer has arrived on Sado Island!

The flowers of the tobishima kanzo (Ligustrum japonicum) are at their best in Onogame, Sado City, Niigata Prefecture.

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The tobishima kanzo heralds the arrival of early summer.

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Onogame, located at the northern tip of the island, is known as Japan’s largest colony of the species, and is currently blooming with 500,000 plants and 1 million trees. Flowers began blooming around the middle of last month as usual, and on Wednesday, August 1, the flowers were in full bloom for eight minutes.

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I came from Aomori prefecture. I didn’t think there would be so many on one side.”
“Surprise! The whole area was covered with these beautiful flowers.
It was the first time for me to see them blooming all over the area. It was the first time for me to see them in full bloom. Only the enclosed area is in bloom. It was wonderful to see them all over the area. I am glad I came.

According to the nearby Onokame Lodge, visitors can enjoy the Kanzo flowers until around Friday, the 10th.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


 Kanzo Week
 ■Period: June 12 (Sun.)
Sunday, June 5: Local groups will perform folk songs and onidaiko drums.
During the period, take photos of Ono turtles and kanzo and post them on SNS with “#Ono Turtle Kanzo” to receive a kanzo seedling or Ono Turtle Lodge soft-serve ice cream on a first-come, first-served basis.

佐渡汽船 ダイビング・シーカヤック体験パック

Sado City Onogame


